PE and Sports

The children ran brilliantly this weekend at Chiltern Edge. The boys in Year 4 took the Team Trophy. They all look like they enjoyed themselves. Thank- you to staff and parents for all their input too.  
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Clare Balding and Gary Lineker better watch out – we’ve found their worthy successor in the form of Jecca at Shiplake CE Primary School. This Sports Ambasssador asks her interviewee, Tara, from the Killer Crocs pitch perfect questions about the Benchball League she and fellow Ambassadors have set up. They 
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Juliet Coles, coach and mum with a child at Shiplake Primary has won a Henley Heroes award for running the Shiplake Stars Netball Club, along with fellow coach, Tamryn Settle. Their inspiring individual awards for their work also covers their sessions on Sunday mornings at Shiplake College, a walking netball 
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Do you have any sense of direction ? Do you know what a leg is when used in conjunction with orienteering…? We thought so. This week,  Year 3 children have been finding out by learning how to follow a route and finding the controls ( a letter along the way). 
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