Year 1

I aim to create a classroom with a welcoming, cheerful environment in which the children feel safe to express themselves and ask for support and guidance. By providing a creative, fun and broad curriculum I hope to engage the class and inspire them to learn through active, play based learning. I’ll endeavour to get the children outside to use the lovely area that we have as well as the countryside around us as much as possible.  I will encourage the class to have high expectations for themselves and to strive to do their best. I love to celebrate small achievements and want to foster an environment in which children are proud of their accomplishments.

Year one is a pivotal moment in children’s schooling as they move from the Early Learning Goals of Nursery and Reception to the National Curriculum. In Year One we aim to include the play aspect of learning that the children have been used to in the EYFS setting, and are lucky enough to have our lovely outdoor area to help with this.  However, there is an increasing aspect of teacher led learning as the year progresses.

The Curriculum

In English, we provide an array of writing opportunities, the children explore writing in lots of different genres; narrative story writing, recounts, instructions, labels and poetry. Our pieces of writing always stem from a hook, which may vary from a familiar short story, a short video or pieces of poetry.  By the end of the year, learners will have covered a variety of different aspects of grammar to incorporate in their writing.

I aim to promote a love of reading in the class through providing a range of reading materials that are accessible to the children and taking every opportunity to read to and with the class.

Phonics is also a very important part of year 1, children participate in daily 20 minute phonics sessions. They will be taught the different phonetic sounds which they will in turn use as a strategy to support them in their reading and spelling.

In Maths, we continue to develop children’s understanding of numbers, with a focus on place value and calculation.  By the end of the year, they will have covered; Number, Shape, Space & Measures. Children will become confident in the use of the +, – and = sign. Whilst becoming familiar with x and ÷ through grouping and sharing objects.

In our afternoon lessons our focus turns towards the foundation subjects; History, Geography, RE, ICT, Music Art, PSHE and PE.

We’ll look at animals including humans, materials, the seasons and plants.  The children will build on their scientific knowledge and also take part in skill based learning by carrying out experiments and investigations throughout the year.

In history and geography we cover a variety of topics including My country, in which we learn about the United Kingdom and the countries within the UK. We also take a closer examination into our local area and how the weather changes with the seasons.  We use role play to act out key moments in history such as The Battle of Hastings.

In PSHE we focus on three main themes throughout the year. We begin our year with a focus on relationships, including families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others.

In ICT we begin by introducing the children to Online Safety. Throughout the year they will also cover digital literacy.

Our RE is taught through ‘Big questions’ that the children explore. In Year some of our questions are:

  • What do Christians believe God is like?
  • Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
  • How should people care for the world?

Our Music curriculum in Year One has a particular focus on pulse rhythm and pitch and we explore this by examining a variety of musical genres. We listen to Hip Hop, Reggae and Latin style music throughout the year.

Our new Art scheme allows the children to explore and experiment with a range of media and styles and they will study artists such as Andy Goldsworthy, Richard Long, Angie Lewis, Kandinsky and Paul Klee. These artists have a range of focuses including nature, sculpture and mixed media printing.

In PE the chilren will take part in athletics, tag rugby, fitness, gymnastics, rounders, benchball and football. They will master the basic movements of running, throwing and catching.

Year 1 Events

Children’s Mental Health Week 2022

  For Children’s Mental Health Week, this year, the theme is all about GROWING TOGETHER – where we are encouraged to consider how we have grown so far and how we can help others to grow. We all came in with an item to share to the class in how 

Christmas Party 2022!

Year 1 had a very special visitor come today, he told them all about his magical reindeers and even left behind some presents! We then enjoyed an afternoon of Christmas part games!!

Year 2 Fantastic Write – Christmas 2022

  Santa took a visit to Shiplake Primary School this year, leaving behind all of his belongings! Year 1 couldn’t believe their eyes!

Year 1 and 2 Tag Rugby Tournament

  Year 1 and 2 went  Henley Rugby Club to take part in a Rugby Festival against other Henley schools. Their rugby skill were put to the test but all the children performed brilliant and they had a lot of fun as you can see by all the smiles!

Year 1 trip to the farm!

Year 1 had a trip to the local farm today and we created maps at school to show people how to get there as part of our learning in Geography. We were lucky enough to get to feed the calfs when we were there too!