I always ensure that I have a strong relationship with all the children and I want them to enjoy my lessons and to enjoy learning!
My aim is to:
- Share a mutual respect for each other
- Make learning fun
- Enjoy their time in Year 3!
In English the children will read three different novels: The Owl who was afraid of the dark, the Wind in the Willows and The Sheep Pig. The children will think carefully about the setting, characters and plot in their stories and how to structure a text, remembering to use lots of good description.
The children will also need to build on their handwriting work in Year 2. There will also be a spelling test every Friday.
In Maths, the children will learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, and learning how to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number. Year 3 will also cover reasoning within 100, place value, graphs, addition and subtraction, length and perimeter, money, statistics, fractions, time, properties of shape, mass and capacity and multiplication and division. There will be a times table test every Friday.
Our topics this year are:
- Ancient Greeks
- Local Geography
- The British Monarchy