All Together united against bullying : As you will be aware, throughout the last academic year our school worked on the All Together programme which is a whole school anti-bullying programme for schools in England. Throughout the programme pupil questionnaires,
class strategies and corresponding action plans were developed to support the school’s anti-bullying work. All the evidence and final audit was independently assessed at the end of the last academic year.
We have now learned the fantastic news that we have been awarded Gold Status. This is a great achievement and one the school is proud of. As it states in the information below, this award is not saying that bullying won’t happen, but recognises that as a school, we work hard to follow up any concerns promptly and are using our PSHCE curriculum appropriately to raise the profile of any issues that need to be dealt with. Even though this award has been achieved we will be continuing our work on anti-bullying – including Anti-bullying Week (during 12th to 16th November) where this year’s focus is Respect. ‘All Together – united against bullying.
What is the All Together Programme?
The All Together Programme is a whole-school anti-bullying programme for schools in England. It is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by the Anti-Bullying Alliance with support from Achievement for All, Contact, and the Council for Disabled Children.
What is an All Together School?
An ‘All Together School’ is a school that has been recognised for its work to reduce bullying and improve the wellbeing of its pupils over the course of the All Together Programme. Being awarded All Together School status does not imply that bullying never takes place at the school. The Anti-Bullying Alliance and the programme partners do not have oversight of, or responsibility for, the ongoing practice of schools who have been awarded.’