This week in school class teachers will be hoping to help the children understand what they need to do to stay safe online. It co-incides with Safer Internet Day 2020 which will be marked across the world using the theme : Together for a better internet.
Each class teacher will be using age appropriate material from books to videos, supported by a range of lesson plans, presentations and discussions. Mrs White our Computing Lead across school understands the importance of technology in our lives and has made sure the resources we are using connect with the children. We know that the internet can be an exciting and great place to be. Our aim is to ensure that even our youngest children are learning about and keeping safe online as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Among the tools we’ll be using are Smartie the Penquin (Childnet) who uses his new tablet and learns how to be safe by turning to the grown ups in his life. To Chicken Clicking ( Jeanne Wills ) the shopaholic chicken who teaches children to stay safe, to The Smart Crew ( Childnet) who follows a series of Smart Rules as well as a drama for the older children. ( CEOPS).
Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns. There are a number of organisations who support our teaching resources such as :
safer internet.org.uk