Our Sports Ambassadors are pupils selected from Yr 5 and 6. There is a written application process in Year 5, from which Yr 6 and Mrs Smith select anonymously based on why the applicants want to become a Sports Ambassador, and what they think they can offer the role. Each of the four houses is represented by two Ambassadors.
The pupil’s role is to promote sport and physical activity throughout school, while also adopting the school games values of honesty, team work, self-belief, determination, respect and passion. They carry this out by running lunchtime sessions for pupils in Reception to Year four selected by their class teachers for reasons such as increasing physical engagement, social issues, lack of esteem, working together and feeling part of a group. Sessions are planned and delivered by the Ambassadors during one lunchtime a week. They utilize the Change 4 Life principles, Thinking Me, Social Me, Physical Me, Healthy Me, Creative Me.
Sports Ambassadors are also going to be running drop in sessions for both KS2 and KS1 on a half termly basis. They will be responsible for the planning, officiating and recording of results.
In addition to their weekly responsibilities Sports Ambassadors help in the planning and running of Inter House events. There are four of these throughout the school year one per half term, they include Benchball, Cross Country, Rounders and Sports Day.